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Terratest's New XP60 Drilling Rig

Pavement Investigation Rig

The XP60 can diamond core asphalt or concrete using a range of core barrel sizes up to 350mm diameter. The rig incorporates a 200 litre water tank, supplying coolant to the diamond drill bit and a wet/ dry vacuum to clean any spoil. Drilling can be done using either a 250mm or 300mm diameter auger, perfect for CBR sampling. A Dynamic Cone kit is available upon request.

Site Classifications and Fill Investigations

The XP60 is able to drill 300mm diameter auger holes to 4m in a single stroke making it the perfect rig to log soil profiles. Not only is augering less invasive than an excavated trench, the chance of a service strike is greatly reduced. Using the XP60 to investigate fill or possibly contaminated sites is considerably quicker than an excavator.


Terratest's XP60 can carry backfill materials such as sand or roadbase. Compaction tools are carried to ensure adequate reinstatement. Surface reinstatement can be done with Cold mix, Concrete or Rapid Set. On large projects Terratest can supply a support ute to carry consumables.

Non Destructive Digging

Terratest's Vacmaster 1000 NDD unit is mounted on a small truck and compliments the XP60 where the one operator drives the XP60 to site whilst the other driver delivers the Vacmaster. Once both units have mobilized the crew work together sharing the workload. A seamless operation.

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